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US: DOJ claims AT&T-Time Warner merger is “frontal attack” on the...

Lawyers offered contrasting arguments in US federal court Thursday, March 22, as the trial kicked off over the government's lawsuit seeking to block the...

US: Judge allows courthouse recordings in bid-rigging case

Last year, U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer of the Northern District of California prevented prosecutors from introducing over 200 hours of recordings that were...

US: Judge delays bid rigging trials until May 2018

A federal judge has “severed” the corruption trials and also delayed the starts of the trials of Louis Ciminelli and the other Buffalo defendants,...

The Damages Lie in the Details: Why the Proposed Directive Fails...

Hans Friederiszick, Aug 12, 2013 One of the two main objectives of the proposed EU Directive ("EU Directive") is to ensure effective compensation of victims...

A Cost-Cutting Solution to the Discovery Burdens of Antitrust Disputes

 J. Hardy Ehlers, James Bo Pearl, May 13, 2013 Litigating an antitrust case has always been a costly endeavor for all parties involved. Just in...

Sensible Discovery: Effective Strategies to Streamline the Discovery Process and Save...

Robert Corp, Chul Pak, May 14, 2013 Defending private antitrust litigation can be a pricey undertaking, the result of several factors. The nature of the...

Comparing the U.S. Class Action Mechanism and Proposed U.K. System: Which...

Sharon Robertson, Apr 16, 2013 Free enterprise and competition are critical to the success of a market economy. In the United States, the class action...

Preliminary Injunctive Relief Non-Merger Cases Beware?

David Reichenberg, Mar 19, 2013 Preliminary injunctions in antitrust cases are sought most frequently-almost exclusively in fact-in the merger context. Perhaps this is because, to...

Square Pegs in Round Holes: The Interaction between Judges and Economic...

Diane Wood, Apr 30, 2009 Competition law is not the only area in which it is essential that decision-makers understand economic evidence, but it is...
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