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6-COMPETITION LAW COMPLIANCE AND CSDDD – A TICKING TIME BOMB? By Bertold Bär-Bouyssiere & Paulina Brzezinska

Competition Law Compliance and CSDDD – A Ticking Time Bomb?

For several decades, EU antitrust developed incrementally based on a widely accepted doctrinal orthodoxy, which arranged all participants by enabling global investment and trade....
Consortia and Competition Law

Consortia and Competition Law

The European Commission’s draft revision of the horizontal cooperation guidance published on March 1, 2022, for the first time includes a specific section on...
Priority Clauses and Infringements by Object

Priority Clauses and Infringements by Object

By Inês Neves*   On November 18, 2021 the Court of Justice (“ECJ”) delivered its judgment in case C-306/20 (Visma Enterprise SIA v. Konkurences padome) in...
vertical agreements

Vertical Restraints (or Restrictions)

By Sandra Marco Colino (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) This paper explores the concept of vertical restraints or restrictions. It includes references to the...
Recent EU Developments in Buyer-Side Cartels

Recent EU Developments in Buyer-Side Cartels

Recent Commission decisions and judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union concerning purchasing cartels offer insights as to how the Commission...
European Competition Law Purchasing Alliances

European Competition Law Scrutiny of Purchasing Alliances

It seems undeniable that within the EU interest is growing in purchasing alliances and particularly in the grocery retail sector. However, care must be...

Servizio Elettrico Nazionale: a Good Overview of Article 102 TFEU Case...

By: Pablo Ibañez Colomo (Chilling Competition) Because we tend to be absorbed by the latest news, we may forget that there are several pending cases of...
The Difficulty of Conversations About Sustainability and European Competition Law

The Difficulty of Conversations About Sustainability and European Competition Law

Starting off with an imaginary, but reality-grounded conversation between two fairly reasonable competition law persons – obviously with opposing views for it to be...
EU Approves €3B of Portuguese State Aid Against Coronavirus

COVID-19 and Competition Law – Companies Must Not Quarantine Competition Law...

By Christopher Thomas, Raphael Fleischer, Christian Ritz & Stefan Kirwitzke (Hogan Lovells)1 Competition law will not be at the top of companies’ agendas today. COVID-19...

The CJEU Clarifies the Rules on Antitrust Damages Actions Before and...

May 2019 CPI EU News Column edited by Thibault Schrepel, Sam Sadden & Jan Roth (CPI) presents: The CJEU Clarifies the Rules on Antitrust Damages Actions Before...
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