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Tag: Telecommunications

Will the 2010 Merger Guidelines Survive the DOJ’s Complaint in U.S....

Geoffrey Manne, Joshua Wright, Oct 31, 2011 AT&T's proposed acquisition of T-Mobile presents an opportunity for judicial scrutiny of the newest iteration of the Department...

DOJ’s Attempt to Block the AT&T/T-Mobile Merger Places the Horizontal Merger...

Benjamin Brown, Oct 31, 2011 In the U.S. antitrust merger enforcement community, many believed that the Department of Justice ("DOJ") would sue to enjoin any...

AT&T/T-Mobile: Does Efficiency Really Count?

FCCHoward Chang, David Evans, Richard Schmalensee, Oct 31, 2011 AT&T's proposed $39 billion acquisition of T-Mobile faces two major court challenges: the Justice Department's suit...

In the EU the Court of Justice Rules (Again) on Margin...

Gianni De Stefano, Javier Ruiz Calzado, Jul 14, 2011 On February 17, 2011, the Court of Justice handed down a judgment on a series of questions referred from...

Jeffrey Rohlfs’ 1974 Model of Facebook: An Introduction and Reprint

Richard Schmalensee, May 17, 2011 Jeffrey Rohlfs' pioneering 1974 study of demand in the presence of network externalities, which make each actor's demand for some good...

The Interface Between Competition Law and Regulation in ChileWho’s the Boss?

Paulo Montt, Jul 14, 2010 The context of post-liberalization has led to different tensions between competition law and regulation in several markets such as telecommunications...

The AT&T Case: A Personal View

Thomas Kauper, Thomas Kauper, Nov 01, 2009 The AT&T case, asserting that the company had acted in violation of the antitrust laws and seeking its...

Twombly, After Two Years: The Procedural Revolution in Antitrust That Wasn’t

Richard Epstein, Jul 30, 2009 Without question, Bell Atlantic v. Twombly ranks as one of the most controversial decisions of the United States Supreme Court...

Article 82 Guidelines Missed Opportunities in the Telecoms Sector

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Yvan Desmedt, Alexandre Verheyden, Feb 05, 2009 The telecommunications sector has constituted a key...

Margin Squeeze after Deutsche Telekom

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Simon Genevaz, May 14, 2008 Margin squeeze practices occur in industries where incumbent companies...
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