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The Interface Between Competition Law and Regulation in ChileWho’s the Boss?

Paulo Montt, Jul 14, 2010 The context of post-liberalization has led to different tensions between competition law and regulation in several markets such as telecommunications...

The AT&T Case: A Personal View

Thomas Kauper, Thomas Kauper, Nov 01, 2009 The AT&T case, asserting that the company had acted in violation of the antitrust laws and seeking its...

Twombly, After Two Years: The Procedural Revolution in Antitrust That Wasn’t

Richard Epstein, Jul 30, 2009 Without question, Bell Atlantic v. Twombly ranks as one of the most controversial decisions of the United States Supreme Court...

Price Squeeze Abuse in the EU Telecommunications Sector: A Reasonably or...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Serge Clerckx, Laurent de Muyter, Apr 15, 2009 This paper remains within the ambit...

Margin Squeeze in Regulated Industries: The CFI Judgment in the Deutsche...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Pierre-André Buigues, Robert Klotz, Jul 10, 2008 n its long-awaited ruling of April 10,...

Margin Squeeze after Deutsche Telekom

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Simon Genevaz, May 14, 2008 Margin squeeze practices occur in industries where incumbent companies...

Spain Appeals European Commission Decision Against Telefonica

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Robert Klotz, Nov 26, 2007 The Spanish Government recently decided to lodge an appeal...

Mobile Virtual Network Operators: Beyond the Hyperbolae

Duarte Brito, Pedro Pereira, Apr 19, 2007 The diffusion of mobile telephony has been very fast. In the European Union, in 2005 426 million people,...
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