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A few reflections on the FTC’s decision on Google

David Evans, Jan 08, 2013   The FTC’s 5-0 decision to drop its investigation into Google’s search-related practices is breathtaking. A number of companies had charged...

Reasons to Reject a No Injunctions Rule for SEPs and FRAND-Obligated...

Hill Wellford, Apr 30, 2012 Government officials, academics, and some industry participants recently have suggested that holders of so-called "standards-essential patents" ("SEPs"), meaning patents that are...

Reasons to Reject a No Injunctions Rule for SEPs and FRAND-Obligated...

Hill Wellford, Apr 30, 2012 Government officials, academics, and some industry participants recently have suggested that holders of so-called "standards-essential patents" ("SEPs"), meaning patents that are...

The Microsoft Case and Google

Stephen Houck, May 14, 2012 In the wake of the U.S. government's unsuccessful prosecution of IBM (begun in 1969 and dropped in 1982), many knowledgeable...

Technology Licensing: Evolving Antitrust Standards in the Smartphone and Other Sectors?

Paul Lugard, Apr 30, 2012 Antitrust review of business transactions involving intellectual property has never been entirely undisputed. On the one hand, there is a...
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