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Tech Exes Join Biden’s Transition Team

According to Reuters, far more executives from technology companies than outspoken tech critics were named to US President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team on Tuesday, November 10,...
Network effects

The Debate On Big Tech – We Can Do Better

By Alfonso Lamadrid (Chilling Competition) The debate about the role of technology and technology companies in the economy and in society is inevitable, and...
Big Tech

US: Duke launches center to explore science and technology policy

The Center on Science & Technology Policy at Duke University will explore the impact of emerging technologies on our society and develop new approaches for regulating...

Germany sets up body to lead modernisation of competition law

Posted by Out-Law Germany sets up body to lead modernisation of competition law By Michael Reich A new body tasked with proposing reforms to competition law to better...

A very antitrust situation

Posted by The Financial Times A very antitrust situation By Rana Foroohar  Last week, my colleague Ed asked readers to “think bigly” about a grand strategy around...

Economists Gear Up to Challenge the Monopolies

Posted by Bloomberg Opinion Economists Gear Up to Challenge the Monopolies By Noah Smith The antitrust movement is making a comeback. Zephyr Teachout, candidate for New York...

Taking on big tech: where does Australia stand?

Posted by The Conversation Taking on big tech: where does Australia stand? By Caron Beaton-Wells Big tech is under fire in Europe. In its latest sting, the European...

No One Is Innocent In The Global Game of Monopoly

Posted by Bloomberg No One Is Innocent In The Global Game of Monopoly By Ferdinando Giugliano  Europe shouldn’t be smug about market dominance. It’s not just a...

US: Trump administration to block Chinese tech Investments

The US Treasury Department is reportedly gearing up to announce rules that would prevent companies with 25% or more Chinese ownership from purchasing a...

US: Microsoft President: “If you create tech that changes the world,...

Speaking at Recode’s Code Conference in Palos Verdes, California, Microsoft President Brad Smith drew lessons from the software giant’s “gut wrenching” antitrust battles of...
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