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Texas AG Accuses Google Of Delaying Antitrust Investigation

The state attorney general leading a broad antitrust investigation into Google is accusing the tech giant of delaying the case and vowed to see...

Vestager Wants ¨Particularly High¨ AI Standards

Artificial Intelligence technologies deployed in the public sector should be held to “particularly high standards when it comes to transparency and accountability,” the  European...

US: Senators want social media users to be able to take...

Three US lawmakers active in tech issues will introduce a bill requiring social networks like Facebook to allow users to pack up their data...

US: Koch group targets AGs with ads defending tech giants

Americans for Prosperity, the conservative group backed by the Koch family, announced a new ad campaign defending Google and Facebook from antitrust probes launched...

US: Tech Giants faced lawmakers at 3 hearings

The nation’s biggest tech companies—Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Apple—faced House Judiciary hearings on how their market power affects competition. In three hearings, which were focused...

US: Gov will probe whether French tax on tech is fair

The US government will investigate whether a French plan to tax American technology companies is fair, and it could potentially issue retaliatory tariffs in...

US/EU: Trump attacks Vestager over tech probes

Donald Trump launched a scathing attack on Europe, saying it "treats us worse than China" and that EU antitrust chief Margrethe Vestager "hates the...

US: Dual-agency big tech antitrust investigations questioned

A Republican senator isn’t happy with plans by the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to divide a potential investigation...

US: Small business advocacy group speaks at Congressional Tech Probe

Small businesses are raising concerns over a congressional probe of potential anticompetitive practices in the tech sector, a press release revealed Wednesday, June 12. The...

US: GOP lawmakers divided on House antitrust tech probe

Republicans are split over a new Democrat-led antitrust investigation of the tech industry, highlighting tensions between the GOP's growing criticism of companies like Google...
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