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Tag: surveillance

Welcome To Chula Vista, Where Police Drones Respond To 911 Calls

By: Patrick Sisson (MIT Technology Review) In the skies above Chula Vista, California, where the police department runs a drone program 10 hours a day,...
Effects Of Government Surveillance On Competition By Catherine Tucker

Demand For Surveillance Software Is Increasing – How To Get It...

By: Simone Ziegler & Miriam Everett (Herbert Smith Freehills) The Future of Work Report 2021: Remote/Controlled shows that a majority of employers expect an increase in...
Effects Of Government Surveillance On Competition By Catherine Tucker

Effects of Government Surveillance on Competition

Following on from the shock of the Snowden revelations, it is now well established empirically that chilling effects from government surveillance and other privacy...
Digital Privacy

The Chinese Surveillance State Proves That The Idea Of Privacy Is...

By: Zeyi Yang (MIT Technology Review) It’s no surprise that last week, when the Biden administration updated its list of Chinese military companies blocked from...
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