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Tag: State Owned Enterprises

The Importance of Competitive Neutrality in Promoting FDI and Sustainable Recovery

The Importance of Competitive Neutrality in Promoting FDI and Sustainable Recovery

Competitive neutrality principles encourage FDI by promoting a level playing field among competitors. When certain market players, such as SOEs, or selected private firms,...
Making Markets Work for Development through Effective Competition Policies: Recent Experience from the World Bank Group in East Asia Pacific

Making Markets Work for Development through Effective Competition Policies: Recent Experience...

By Martha Martinez Licetti, Graciela Miralles Murciego & Georgiana Pop - The majority of countries share a common vision to become prosperous and competitive nations...

China’s Recent Antitrust Investigations and Lessons for Foreign Companies

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Liu Yang, Feb 12, 2015 The Anti-Monopoly Law, in force since August 1, 2008, is...

Designing Competition Law Under Financial Crisis—Indonesia and Thailand Compared

R. Ian McEwin, Sep 11, 2014 The 1997 the Asian Financial Crisis was the impetus for the introduction of competition law in both Indonesia and...
Telecom Deal

Public Companies and Competition Law: The Launching of an ICN Project

Jul 30, 2013 CPI ICN Column edited by Maria Coppola (U.S. Federal Trade Commission) Public Companies and Competition Law: The Launching of an ICN Project -...

Foreign Investment Review in Canada: Assessing Risk in the Wake of...

Charles Layton, Julie Soloway, Apr 29, 2013 While many countries around the world have established procedures for reviewing transactions with national security implications, few have...

China’s Antitrust Law Enforcement After the 18th Party Congress

Ying Huang, Feb 26, 2013 On November 14, 2012, the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China came to a close at the...

The Context of Chinese Industrial Policy and the Antimonopoly Law

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Mark Williams, Aug 11, 2008 Some would argue that the implementation of the Antimonopoly...

Competition Policy in Hong Kong: Present Conditions and Future Prospects

Mark Williams, Nov 05, 2007 Hong Kong has a reputation for being a free and open economy. Historically, the government has maintained that the economic...
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