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Tag: State Aid

Compensatory Payments and State Resources

Compensatory Payments and State Resources

By: Phedon Nicolaides (Lexxion State Aid Blog) The Court of Justice has stressed repeatedly that any resource over which the state can exercise control becomes a...
Foreign Direct Investment Review Developments Europe

Legitimate Expectations and the “Right” to State Aid

By: Phedon Nicolaides (State Aid Uncovered) As the process of transition to green economy accelerates, Member States have been reducing the subsidies they promised to...

EU To Extend Broad State Aid Rules For COVID Hit Companies

The European Commission on Thursday, September 30, proposed extending looser State aid rules for virus-hit companies for six months to June 2022 in a bid to...
Recovery Promoting Competition Friendly State Measures

Back to the Recovery: Promoting Competition Friendly State Measures

By Ruben Maximiano1   To ensure a robust economic recovery, competition principles need to be built into the design and execution of the State measures that...
The Importance of Competitive Neutrality in Promoting FDI and Sustainable Recovery

The Importance of Competitive Neutrality in Promoting FDI and Sustainable Recovery

Competitive neutrality principles encourage FDI by promoting a level playing field among competitors. When certain market players, such as SOEs, or selected private firms,...

State Aid and Essential National Interest

By: Phedon Nicolaides (Lexxion) State aid should support outcomes that the market by itself cannot achieve. This implies that State aid that is restricted to only...
Air France

Air France-KLM Board To Meet On State Aid Rescue

Air France-KLM’s board is preparing to meet Monday, April 5, to consider a recapitalization plan for its French arm, according to Bloomberg. The multi-billion-euro package...

EU Approves €22M Aid For Czech Exhibition & Fair Industry

The European Commission has approved an approximately €22 million (US$25.78 million) Czech aid scheme to support companies active in the organization of fairs, exhibitions,...

EU Approves €511M Italian Scheme For Rail Operators

The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, €511 million (US$609.67 million) in Italian support to compensate providers of commercial, long-distance rail...

EU Approves €55M Irish “Umbrella” Scheme

The European Commission has approved a €55 million Irish ‘umbrella' scheme to support companies active in tourism or in directly related sectors in the...
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