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Tag: State Aid

Transactions At Market Rates Can Still Confer An Advantage That Constitutes...

By: Phedon Nicolaides (State Aid Uncovered) When public authorities purchase goods and services for themselves, it is crucial that they pay a fair market price....
3-Managing Foreign Subsidies In The Eu By HJoão Azevedo

Managing Foreign Subsidies in the EU

In this paper, we describe the European Union’s approach to control harmful effects of foreign subsidies on the EU internal market. The EU policy...
5-The Eu Foreign Subsidies Regulation: Green Subsidies Treading The Line Between The Fsr, State Aid, And Wto Law By Liliane Gam & Argyrios Papaefthymiou

The EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation: Green Subsidies Treading the Line Between...

This article provides an overview of the ongoing regulatory 'competition' between major global economies to boost renewable energy through public resources, i.e. through subsidies....
The UK’s New Subsidy Control Bill: Targeting a Faster, More Permissive Regime Than EU State Aid Rules

Subsidy Control Reviews: Proportionality With A Light Touch

By: Tom Coates (Competition Bulletin) Those who have previously worked as State aid lawyers may be aware of the new subsidy control regime in the...
State Aid: COVID-19 Temporary Framework

State Aid’s Stress Test

By: Pablo Ibañez Colomo (Chilling Competition) The European Union (EU) was founded in response to the post-war reconstruction of Europe and to prevent future conflicts....

Natural Disasters And State Aid

By: Phedon Nicolaides Compensation for damage suffered by undertakings as a result of a natural disaster constitutes State aid. The compensation is compatible with the internal...

EU May Extend Easier State-Aid Rules

EU regulators are considering extending easier state-aid rules which allow governments to support businesses affected by the war in Ukraine to end-2023, and with...
Euro coins and banknotes

EC Approves €220 Million Spanish State Aid

The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a €220 million Spanish measure to support Cobra Instalaciones y Servicios, S.A. in the...
Legal Settlement

Legal Standing of Competitors

By: Phedon Nicolaides (State Aid Uncovered) Any natural or legal person who is the addressee of an act of an EU institution can challenge that...
Competitive Neutrality and the Role of the State in The Market

Competitive Neutrality and the Role of the State in The Market:...

By Nicole Robins1   The OECD’s recommendation on competitive neutrality aims to ensure a level playing field between enterprises. To achieve this, a number of insights...
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