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Tag: Standards Development Organizations

The Proposal for Licensee Negotiations Groups (LNGs) in SEP

The Proposal for Licensee Negotiations Groups (LNGs) in SEP – An...

By Elisabeth Opie, LLM GAICD1 & Haris Tsilikas, LLM2   I. Introduction International standards and Standards Development Organizations (“SDOs”) have attracted the attention of policymakers worldwide...

Understanding the ANSI Patent Policy and Why It Matters

Posted by Social Science Research Network Understanding the ANSI Patent Policy and Why It Matters By Richard Taffet & William Cravens (Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP) The...

Harnessing SDO Innovation to Reduce Holdup, Uncertainty, and Inefficiency

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle David Meyer, May 12, 2008 Collaboratively set standards are an important part of the...

Standard-Setting Policies and the Rule of Reason: When Does the Shield...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Jennifer Driscoll, May 06, 2008 The rewards and pitfalls of standard setting conjure images...
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