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Tag: Standard-Setting Organizations

Game Theory Analysis Of SEP Injunction Application And Information Disclosure

Game Theory Analysis Of SEP Injunction Application And Information Disclosure

By Judge Wenlian Ding - There is no doubt that the license fee of Standard Essential Patents (“SEPs”) can be priced by a judge’s ruling. On...
CPI Talks: Seminar - The role of Antitrust in licensing disputes in ICT sector, Singapore - April 2016.

CPI Talks: Seminar – The role of Antitrust in licensing disputes...

Transcript of our seminar “The Role of Antitrust in Licensing Disputes in the ICT Sector” - In this transcript our readers will find an enriching...
Standards Setting, Standards Development and Division of the Gains from Standardization

Standards Setting, Standards Development and Division of the Gains from Standardization

By David J. Teece and Edward F. Sherry - According to this article, standards development frequently involves significant R&D and related investments by technology contributors....
FRAND Licensing In Theory And In Practice: Proposal For A Common Framework - Patent license

FRAND Licensing In Theory And In Practice: Proposal For A Common...

By Justus A. Baron, Chryssoula Pentheroudakis & Nikolaus Thumm - This article addresses how FRAND licensing terms have been determined in theory and practice in...
FRAND Arbitration: The Determination of Fair, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory Rates for SEPs by Arbitral Tribunals

FRAND Arbitration: The Determination of Fair, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory Rates for...

By Damien Geradin - This paper addresses an important policy question, which is whether SEP-related disputes should be subject to mandatory arbitration (as a requirement...
On the Practical Irrelevance and Theoretical Inadequacy of the Royalty-Stacking Benchmark in Standard-Essential Patent Negotiations

On the Practical Irrelevance and Theoretical Inadequacy of the Royalty-Stacking Benchmark...

By Gerard Llobet & Jorge Padilla - Royalty stacking is the focus of this article. The licensing of SEPs has become a controversial issue. Some...
Antitrust Policy toward Technology Standards

Antitrust Policy toward Technology Standards

By Daniel F. Spulber - This article argues that there is not a conflict between antitrust and technology standards. A better understanding of the economic...
Exploiting Others’ Investments in Open Standards

Exploiting Others’ Investments in Open Standards

This article is concerned with “unilateral” de facto standards that arise from later entrants adopting products or technologies employed by an established player. Unilateral...
FRAND and the Smallest Saleable Unit

FRAND and the Smallest Saleable Unit

By Joseph Kattan, Janusz Ordover & Allan Shampine - This article discusses the intersection between the SSU rule and FRAND requirements. The FRAND concept intersects...

Considering Whether Ex Ante Joint Negotiations within Standard Setting Are “Reasonably...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Anne Layne-Farrar, May 06, 2008 In the ongoing debate over intellectual property (IP) within...
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