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Tag: Standard Essential Patents

IEEE’s Efforts to Placate its Adversaries

IEEE’s Efforts to Placate its Adversaries By Making Minor Changes to...

By Emily Luken & James Tierney1   The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers’ (“IEEE”) recent updates to its Patent Policy for standards development, while...
A Review of the Development of SEP-Related Disputes in China

A Review of the Development of SEP-Related Disputes in China and...

By Wei Huang, Fan Zhu, Bei Yin, & Xiumin Ruan*   Since the issuance of the judgment of Huawei v. InterDigital Corporation (“IDC”) in 2013, disputes...

FRAND Royalty Base: Will Chinese Courts More Likely Accept the Component...

By Yan Wang, Da Shi, Yue Li, Shasha Zhou*   I. Introduction On June 17, 2022, Huawei announced it had entered into a patent licensing...
Injunctions Facilitate Patent Licensing Deals: Evidence from the Automotive Sector

Injunctions Facilitate Patent Licensing Deals: Evidence from the Automotive Sector

By Igor Nikolic*   Since the automotive sector chose to incorporate cellular standards (2G to 5G) in its vehicles, there have been tensions between car...
The Proposal for Licensee Negotiations Groups (LNGs) in SEP

The Proposal for Licensee Negotiations Groups (LNGs) in SEP – An...

By Elisabeth Opie, LLM GAICD1 & Haris Tsilikas, LLM2   I. Introduction International standards and Standards Development Organizations (“SDOs”) have attracted the attention of policymakers worldwide...
China Law

An Overview of Recent FRAND Remedies in China

By Yong Bai, Dayu Man, & Michael Yan1   Introduction A great deal has been written about the meaning and effect of the "fair, reasonable, and...
7- The Past and Future of SEP Antitrust in China By Alexandra (Pu) Yang & Fan Guo

The Past and Future of SEP Antitrust in China

Chinese antitrust laws remain an effective legal weapon against SEP abuses. Unlike in the U.S. and E.U. where antitrust laws are fading away at...
SEP Expert Group Report A Look Into the IoT Future of SEP Licensing

SEP Expert Group Report: A Look Into the IoT Future of...

By Igor Nikolic* & Niccolò Galli†   The EU Institutions have been interested in improving the predictability, reliability and transparency of the standard-essential patent (“SEP”) licensing...
Could (China-Based) Arbitration Save the FRAND Rate Setting Game?

Could (China-Based) Arbitration Save the FRAND Rate Setting Game?

This article aims to contribute to the debate on the practical solution to the stalemate repeatedly encountered in intellectual property disputes concerning FRAND rate-setting...
Standards Patents and Antitrust Policy The Road Ahead

Standards, Patents, and Antitrust Policy: The Road Ahead

Standard Essential Patents (“SEPs”) have been at the center of a controversial debate for almost two decades. Recent developments have provided clarity on some...
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