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Tag: SSO

FRAND and the Smallest Saleable Unit

FRAND and the Smallest Saleable Unit

By Joseph Kattan, Janusz Ordover & Allan Shampine - This article discusses the intersection between the SSU rule and FRAND requirements. The FRAND concept intersects...

Defining “Reasonable” in RAND: A Bit of Common Sense

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Sean Gates, Mar 16, 2015 What is RAND? It’s a simple question. Given the...

Injunctive Relief and the Noerr-Pennington Doctrine: The Search for Clarity on...

Thomas Dillickrath, David Emanuelson, Dec 30, 2013 The right to seek injunctive relief is one of the bulwarks of U.S. law. The right to petition...

Injunctive Relief and the Noerr-Pennington Doctrine: The Search for Clarity on...

Thomas Dillickrath, David Emanuelson, Mar 19, 2013 The right to seek injunctive relief is one of the bulwarks of U.S. law. The right to petition...
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