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Tag: Settlements

You Made a Pledge, Then Keep Your Promise: Article 9 Commitments...

Paul McGeown, Juliette Orologas, Mar 28, 2013 Until the European Commission slapped a U.S. $730 million fine on Microsoft at the beginning of March 2013...

The Ebb and Flow of Joint State and Federal Antitrust Enforcement:...

Kevin O'Connor, Dec 12, 2012 For over two decades, the relationship between the state and federal antitrust enforcement authorities has varied from productive cooperative efforts...

Private Recoveries In International Cartel Cases Worldwide: What Do The Data...

John M. Connor, Dec 12, 2012 Despite being around for more than a century in the United States, the role played by "treble-damages suits" in...

The 2008 Settlement Notice: Will the Commission Make it Work?

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Peter Camesasca, Ief Daems, Kristian Hugmark, Sep 08, 2008 In the European Commission ("Commission")'s...

Recent Developments in Cartel Enforcement at EC and UK Levels Adjusting...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Fabio Falconi, Nicole Kar, Sep 30, 2008 The detection and prosecution of cartels continues...
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