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Standard Setting Organizations Can Help Solve the Standard Essential Patents Licensing...

Kai-Uwe Kuhn, Fiona Scott Morton, Howard Shelanski, Mar 05, 2013   Intellectual property rights were established in both the United States and Europe to protect inventors,...

Innovation is King. Or is it?

David Cardwell, Paul Lugard, Oct 05, 2012 Nowadays, it is undisputed that innovation is a key driver of consumer welfare. As a result, unwarranted restraints...

Innovation is King. Or is it?

David Cardwell, Paul Lugard, Oct 05, 2012 Nowadays, it is undisputed that innovation is a key driver of consumer welfare. As a result, unwarranted restraints...

Competition, Standards, and Patents

Per Hellstrom, Thomas Kramler, Oct 01, 2012 The interface of competition, standards, and patents has received increased attention over the past few years, in particular...

Technology Licensing: Evolving Antitrust Standards in the Smartphone and Other Sectors?

Paul Lugard, Apr 30, 2012 Antitrust review of business transactions involving intellectual property has never been entirely undisputed. On the one hand, there is a...

DOJ Merger Statement Renews Focus on Competitive Implications of Industry Standards

Donald Falk, Christopher Kelly, Apr 30, 2012 ...The DOJ's statement has caused some consternation, as it signals at the very least that the agency may...

Facing New Challenges at the Crossroads Between Competition and Intellectual Property...

Damien Geradin, Hee-Eun Kim, Apr 30, 2012 The Free Trade Agreement between the European Union ("EU") and Korea has been provisionally in force since July...

A Roadmap to the Smartphone Patent Wars and FRAND Licensing

Apr 30, 2012 The smartphone industry today is characterized by a thicket of patents and wars based on those patents. Every day brings a new...

Standards and Market Power

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Nicholas Banasevic, Cecilio Madero, May 16, 2008 Standards play an increasingly significant role in...

The Logic and Limits of Ex Ante Competition in a Standard-Setting...

Damien Geradin, Anne Layne-Farrar, Apr 19, 2007 Some scholars have questioned the process by which cooperative standards are typically set, worrying about the potential for...
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