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What a Difference a Year Makes: An Emerging Consensus on the...

Jonathan Kanter, Dec 30, 2013 These days, it is difficult to identify an antitrust issue that is generating more discussion than standard-essential patents. To some,...

Huawei v. InterDigital: China at the Crossroads of Antitrust and Intellectual...

Nov 28, 2013 CPI Asia Column edited by Vanessa Yanhua Zhang (Global Economics Group) presents: Huawei v. InterDigital: China at the Crossroads of Antitrust and Intellectual...

Patently Obvious: Why Seeking Injunctions on Standard-Essential Patents Subject to a...

Greg Sivinski, Oct 15, 2013 Technical standards are a necessary exception to a competitive marketplace based upon feature differentiation, but they pose risks because of...

Turning the Page: The Next Chapter of Disputes Involving Standard-Essential Patents

Jay Jurata, David Smith, Oct 15, 2013 A technology company is on the verge of introducing a cutting-edge device that builds on a widely adopted...

The Emperor’s Clothes Laid Bare: Commitments Creating the Appearance of Law,...

Oct 15, 2013 This article examines how the Article 9 commitments procedure under EC Regulation 1/2003 is increasingly being used to create policy under the...

Standard Setting: Should There Be a Level Playing Field for All...

Nadia Soboleva, Lawrence Wu, Oct 15, 2013 In the past few years, issues related to fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory licensing rates for patents have garnered...

Standard-Essential Patents and Antitrust: Of Fighting Ships and Frankenstein Monsters

Sean P. Gates, Oct 15, 2013 Standard-essential patents (“SEPs”) have been at the heart of a debate about the reach of U.S. antitrust ...

Injunctions And Standard Essential Patents (SEPs): The Problems Of Arguing From...

Robert O'Donoghue, May 23, 2013 CPI Europe Column edited by Anna Tzanaki (Competition Policy International) presents: Injunctions And Standard Essential Patents (SEPs): The Problems Of Arguing...

Injunctive Relief and the Noerr-Pennington Doctrine: The Search for Clarity on...

Thomas Dillickrath, David Emanuelson, Mar 19, 2013 The right to seek injunctive relief is one of the bulwarks of U.S. law. The right to petition...

Injunctive Relief as an Antitrust Violation or as an Enforcement Tool:...

Yves Botteman, Jean-Francois Guillardeau, Mar 19, 2013 The Apple/Samsung mobile device war has been raging for quite some time. In the European Union, Samsung sought...
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