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Tag: Self-Preferencing

5- Can Self-Preferencing Algorithms Be Pro-Competitive? By Emilie Feyler & Veronica Postal

Can Self-Preferencing Algorithms Be Pro-Competitive?

In response to the growing concerns around artificial intelligence, algorithms, and their influence over consumers’ choices, competition authorities have adopted more stringent rules regarding...

Proposed Antitrust Reforms in Big Tech: What Do They Imply for...

There is widespread support for antitrust reform, fueled mainly by concerns about major platforms like Google, Facebook, and Amazon. Many believe that these companies...
The Italian Competition Authority's Decision in the Amazon Logistics Case

The Italian Competition Authority’s Decision in the Amazon Logistics Case: Self-preferencing...

By Claudio Lombardi1    Introduction In a long-awaited decision, the Italian Competition Authority (ICA) has found Amazon in breach of Article 102 TFEU. The ICA has...
Of All the Products and Services in the Metaverse Whose Do You Prefer?

Hey Google/Siri/Alexa, of All the Products and Services in the Metaverse...

The Metaverse, voice assistants, smart automated vehicles, wearables, there are a number of visions of the future, but more important than which, if any,...
US Senate

U.S. Senate Self-Preferencing Bill Offers Perfect Recipe for Regulatory Overreach

By: Sam Bowman (Truth on The Market) Even as delivery services work to ship all of those last-minute Christmas presents that consumers bought this season from...

Self-Preferencing and Online Platforms: A Universal Theme?

Below, we have provided the full transcript of our panel discussion Self-Preferencing and Online Platforms: A Universal Theme?. Read below to see the timely...

Self-Preferencing and the Level Playing Field

By: Ramsi Woodcock (What Am I Missing?) I, too, have been enamored of sports metaphors in antitrust. How can the level playing field not convince? Two wrestlers meet...
Self-Preferencing Antitrust Harmful Solutions

Self-Preferencing and Antitrust: Harmful Solutions for an Improbable Problem

Platforms, including vertically integrated platforms, are ubiquitous — both in the modern economy, and throughout history. While some such firms have managed to capture...
Self-Preferencing Violate Section 2 Sherman Act

How Self-Preferencing Can Violate Section 2 of the Sherman Act

Self-preferencing occurs when a firm unfairly modifies its operations to privilege its own, another firm’s, or a set of firms’ products or services. Extensive...
Regulating Digital Ads: Is a Global Approach the Way Forward for Japan and Other Advanced Economies?

Regulating Digital Ads: Is a Global Approach the Way Forward for...

This article addresses the problem of the regulation of digital advertising in Japan from a comparative and global perspective. There are a number of...
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