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Tag: Selective Distribution

Selective Distribution and Online Marketplace Restrictions Under EU Competition Rules after...

Posted by Social Science Research Network By Giuseppe Colangelo, &   Valerio Torti Selective Distribution and Online Marketplace Restrictions Under EU Competition Rules after Coty Prestige Given the impressive...

Internet Sales and the New EU Rules on Vertical Restraints

Filippo Amato, Jun 30, 2010 Various questions arise with regard to the type of internet sales restrictions that a supplier can impose upon its distributors....

Vertical Restraints and Competition Policy Internet Sales, a New Dimension to...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Kornel Mahlstein, Mar 12, 2009 The internet expands the size of the market and...

Selective Distribution of Branded and Luxury Products and the Conjuncture of...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Andres Font Galarza, Constantin Gissler, Mar 12, 2009 The European Commission is currently working...
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