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Tag: Section 5

A Comparative and Economic Analysis of the US FTC’s Complaint and...

Posted by Social Science Research Network A Comparative and Economic Analysis of the US FTC's Complaint and the Korea FTC's Decision Against Qualcomm By Koren W....


In this issue: Of Current Interest Michael Baumann, Paul Godek, Sep 24, 2009 Reconciling the Opposing Views of Critical Elasticity We present a revised and more...


One of the consistently thorny issues in U.S. antitrust law is the rather vague boundary of Section 5 of the FTC Act, which concerns...


In this issue: Welcome to the home page of The CPI Antitrust Chronicle (formerly GCP Magazine).  In this issue, we're taking the first of what...


The EC Pharmaceutical Report Kent Bernard, Nov 12, 2008 The 2008 EC Sector Inquiry Regarding Pharmaceuticals: What Does It Mean from a Research-Based Company Perspective? A sector...

A Response To Commissioner Wright’s Proposed Policy Statement Regarding Unfair Methods...

Maurice Stucke, Sep 16, 2013 Federal Trade Commissioner Joshua Wright recently proposed a new legal standard to evaluate "unfair methods of competition" under Section 5...

Section 5 Enforcement: Common Law Guidance

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Pete Levitas, Farrell Malone, Jul 24, 2015 The proper scope of the U.S Federal...

Standard-Essential Patents and Antitrust: Of Fighting Ships and Frankenstein Monsters

Sean P. Gates, Oct 15, 2013 Standard-essential patents (“SEPs”) have been at the heart of a debate about the reach of U.S. antitrust ...

A Solution in Search of a Problem

A. Douglas Melamed, Sep 16, 2013 The fundamental problem with the "unfair methods of competition" prong of Section 5 is that it is hopelessly vague....

Patent Assertion Entities: Six Actions the Antitrust Agencies Can Take

Jan 29, 2013 One of the most pressing issues confronting antitrust in 2013 (and beyond) involves patent assertion entities ("PAEs"), previously known as patent trolls....
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