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Tag: Search Engines

Defining Markets for Multi-Sided Platforms: The Case of Search Engines

Posted by Social Science Research Network Defining Markets for Multi-Sided Platforms: The Case of Search Engines By Thomas Hoppner (Technical University Wildau) Abstract:     Despite the rise...

Competition, Innovation, and Dynamic Change in the Internet Information Search Industry

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle R. Shyam Khemani, Aug 22, 2014 At the core of the widely acknowledged economic...

Why Some Platform Businesses Face Many Frivolous Antitrust Complaints and What...

David Evans, Dec 20, 2012 In the last decade a number of internet-based multi-sided platforms have emerged that provide free services to, in some cases,...

The Role of Keyword Advertising in Competition Among Rival Brands

David Evans, Elisa Mariscal, Sep 13, 2012 A consumer types the name of a brand into a search engine. In most cases, the search-results page...

The Importance of an Open Internet

Chris Meyers, Mar 29, 2011 However, net neutrality is but one piece of the puzzle to ensuring an open internet. Broadband internet access is certainly...

Sponsored Search Auctions: Simple Economics and Implications for Antitrust Policy

Renato Gomes, Jul 27, 2010 The most valuable asset of many two-sided platforms is their user base. In a celebrated example, Internet search engines (such...
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