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Tag: Search Engine


Possible Problems in the Google Case

By Gregory J. Werden & Luke M. Froeb1   Google invented neither the search engine nor the Internet browser, but it made them better. Competing on...
Opening the Black Box: An Analysis of Google’s Behavior in Search and Display Advertising Using Large-Scale Datasets

Opening the Black Box: An Analysis of Google’s Behavior in Search...

This article summarizes three quantitative pieces of analysis using large transaction-level datasets that the CMA undertook in a recent market study into online platforms...

Book introduction: Antitrust law in the new economy

Posted by Social Science Research Network Book introduction: Antitrust law in the new economy By Mark R. Patterson (Fordham University) Abstract:      Markets run on information....

Economic Considerations Raised by the Federal Trade Commission’s Investigation of Google’s...

Robert Levinson, Michael Salinger, Jan 30, 2015 In January 2013, the Federal Trade Commission closed its nineteen-month antitrust investigation into Google’s search practices. The primary...

Using a Sledgehammer to Crack a Nut: Why China’s Anti-Monopoly Law...

Angela Zhang, May 20, 2011 On December 18, 2009, Beijing No. 1 Intermediate People's Court issued a ruling in favor of Baidu, Inc., a leading search...

Keywords: Google, European Commission. Anyone Feeling Lucky?

Lia Vitzilaiou, Jan 27, 2011 On November 30, 2010, the European Commission issued a press release which many were worried about, others looking forward to,...

China—The Baidu Decision

Corinne Chew, R. Ian McEwin, Nov 05, 2010 The Baidu case, one of the first abuse of dominance cases in China, is important in several...
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