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China: Tougher Merger Control Enforcement in the Semiconductor Industry?

China: Tougher Merger Control Enforcement in the Semiconductor Industry?

The COVID-19 pandemic did not slow down M&A in the semiconductor industry. To the contrary, 2020 saw semiconductor M&A deals reaching an all-time high...
2021, A New Era of Chinese Antitrust Law

2021, A New Era of Chinese Antitrust Law

By Frances Xu & Howard Chan1   China Antitrust Enforcement Round-Up Ever since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (“CPC”), China has gradually...
Cars in parking lot

Managing Distribution and Compliance in China: Post the Auto Antitrust Guidelines

By Ken Dai & Jet Deng (Dentons)1   In September 2020, China’s central antitrust enforcement authority, the State Administration for Market Regulation (“SAMR”), released four antitrust...
No Obstacle

China Signals VIE No Longer an Obstacle in Merger Filing

By Frank Jiang, Scott Yu & John Jiang (Zhong Lun)1   I. Introduction This July, the Chinese antitrust authority (State Administration for Market Regulation, “SAMR”) unconditionally cleared...
China: Non-Compete Clauses in the Transactional Context

China: Non-Compete Clauses in the Transactional Context

Non-compete clauses in agreements between competitors can be problematic under antitrust rules. China is no exception. A sub-set of non-compete arrangements between competitors –...
Yuan RMB

Competition Enforcement against Unfairly High Prices in China

By Yi XUE (Josh) & Tian GU (Zhong Lun Law Firm)1   Recently, the Anti-monopoly Bureau of the PRC State Administration for Market Regulation (“SAMR”) handed...
Church Merger image with puzzle

A Discussion of VIE-structured Companies from a Merger Review Perspective

By Wei Huang & Chang Gao (Tian Yuan Law Firm)1   Recently, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) issued special orders to big tech companies to...
China Gavel

Proposed Amendments to China’s Anti-Monopoly Law: What are the Changes and...

By Fay Zhou, Arthur Peng, Vivian Cao & Xi Liao1 The Chinese State Administration for Market Regulation (“SAMR”) published on January 2, 2020 draft amendments...
CPI Talks… with DG Zhenguo Wu

CPI Talks… with DG Zhenguo Wu

In this month’s edition of CPI Talks… CPI’s Vanessa Yanhua Zhang1 has the pleasure of speaking with Zhenguo Wu.2 Mr. Wu is Director General...
Antitrust Regulation in the Digital Economy: Industry Developments and the Amendment of the Anti-Monopoly Law

Antitrust Regulation in the Digital Economy: Industry Developments and the Amendment...

By Chenying Zhang Internet applications are becoming increasingly widespread, Internet-based trading platforms and associated big data have gradually developed. There is worldwide concern about data...
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