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Tag: Rule of Reason

The Analysis of Tying Cases: A Primer

Jean Tirole, Apr 01, 2005 This primer analyzes factors that make ties more likely either to hurt or to benefit consumers. It first identifies factors...

On the Utility of Surrogates for Rule of Reason Cases

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Kevin Caves, Hal Singer, May 15, 2015 We need directions. Without them, we would...

Judicial Evaluations of Minimum Resale Price Maintenance Behavior (2)

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Ding Wenlian, Dec 31, 2014 On the judicial cognizance of vertical agreements stipulated in...

Judicial Evaluations of Minimum Resale Price Maintenance Behavior

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Ding Wenlian, Aug 22, 2014 On the judicial cognizance of vertical agreements stipulated in...

Why the New Evidence on Minimum Resale Price Maintenance Does Not...

Thomas Lambert, Michael Sykuta, Dec 30, 2013 The battle over the proper legal treatment of minimum resale price maintenance continues to rage in the United...

Recalibrating Section 5: A Response to the CPI Symposium

Joshua Wright, Dec 30, 2013 I want to thank the participants in Competition Policy International's Symposium on the Federal Trade Commission's unfair methods of competition...

Recalibrating Section 5: A Response to the CPI Symposium

Joshua Wright, Nov 27, 2013 I want to thank the participants in Competition Policy International's Symposium on the Federal Trade Commission's unfair methods of competition...

RPM in the European Union: Any Developments Since Leegin?

CFilippo Amato, Nov 14, 2013 Suspicions regarding the use of resale price maintenance in vertical agreements, i.e., agreements between a supplier and its distributors, have...

Resale Price Maintenance The Blurred Lines

Ozlem Fidanboylu, Christian Riis-Madsen, Nov 14, 2013 The 2007 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Leegin set in motion a landslide by overturning a 96-year old precedent....

A Look Back at the Attempts to Repeal Leegin

Leiv Blad, Margaret Sheer, Nov 13, 2013 In 2007, the United States Supreme Court jettisoned 96 years of precedent and held that minimum resale price maintenance...
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