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Tag: Rule of Reason

The Role Of Market Definition in Assessing Anticompetitive Harm in Ohio v. American Express

The Role Of Market Definition in Assessing Anticompetitive Harm in Ohio...

This article shows that the Supreme Court reached the right outcome in Ohio et al. v. American Express. The District Court had found that...

Platform Antitrust

Posted by Social Science Research Network Platform Antitrust By Erik Hovenkamp Platforms like Uber, Google Search, and Hulu pervade the modern economic landscape. A platform caters to...

Accounting for Two-Sided Business Reality Reduces False Negatives as Well as...

Accounting for Two-Sided Business Reality Reduces False Negatives as Well as False Positives in Antitrust Decisions Involving Platform Enterprises By David S. Evans (Global Economics...

A Prelude to Jenkins v. NCAA: Amateurism, Antitrust Law, and the...

Posted by Social Science Research Network A Prelude to Jenkins v. NCAA: Amateurism, Antitrust Law, and the Role of Consumer Demand in a Proper Rule...

Antitrust Provides a More Reasonable Regulatory Framework than Net Neutrality

Posted by Social Science Research Network Antitrust Provides a More Reasonable Regulatory Framework than Net Neutrality By Joshua D. Wright (George Mason University) Abstract:      In...

Procompetitive Justifications

Posted by Social Science Research Network Procompetitive Justifications By John M. Newman (University of Memphis) Abstract:     The rule of reason has come to dominate modern antitrust...

The Antitrusting of Patentability

Posted by Social Science Research Network The Antitrusting of Patentability By Saurabh Vishnubhakat (Texas A&M University School of Law) Abstract:     Deciding a patent’s validity is costly,...

Intellectual Property and Competition Law

Posted by Social Science Research Network Intellectual Property and Competition Law By C. Scott Hemphill (New York University) Abstract:      This chapter, prepared for the Oxford...

The Sharing Economy Meets the Sherman Act: Is Uber a Firm,...

Posted by Social Science Research Network The Sharing Economy Meets the Sherman Act: Is Uber a Firm, a Cartel, or Something in Between? By Mark Anderson...

Section 2 and the Rule of Reason: Report from the...

By Mark S. Popofsky & Ariel A. Martinez Courts remain, in the words of one observer, mired in an “exclusionary conduct ‘definition’ war.” Applying Section...
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