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The Alignment of Evidence and Economic Theory in FTC v. Qualcomm:...

April 2019 The Alignment of Evidence and Economic Theory in FTC v. Qualcomm: A Response to Ginsburg & Wright By Joseph Kattan & Timothy J....

Delrahim restores balance to antitrust treatment of SEPs

Delrahim restores balance to antitrust treatment of SEPs By Willard K. Tom (Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP)1 Click here for a pdf version of this article.   In...

Can We Rely Only On Effects-Based Analysis? Comments On Geradin And...

Paulo Furquim de Azevedo, Jul 28, 2013 So common and yet so controversial. Vertical restraints are among the contractual forms that Ronald Coase ironically called...

To Issue Or Not To Issue Guidance: Comments On Geradin And...

Seth Sacher, Jul 28, 2013 In a recent working paper, Damien Geradin and Caio Marioda Silva Pereira Neto (hereafter GN) argue that the Brazilian competition...

Recidivism Eliminated: Cartel Enforcement in the United States Since 1999

Belinda Barnett, Scott Hammond, Gregory Werden, Oct 14, 2011 The Autumn 2010 issue of Competition Policy International included a grim portrait of anticartel enforcement painted...

The Failed Resurrection of the Single Monopoly Profit Theory

Einer Elhauge, Apr 01, 2010 Professor Paul Seabright claims that an absence of empirical proof supports the single monopoly profit theory. This claim fails because...

Competition and Innovation: Dangerous “Myopia” of Economists in Antitrust?

Christian Ewald, Nov 01, 2008 It seems fairly unlikely that the seminal papers of Professor Joseph A. Schumpeter would today have a good chance to...

How Should Competition Law Be Taught?

Einer Elhauge, Apr 24, 2008 In a recent review of Global Competition Law and Economics, a book I co-wrote with Damien Geradin, John Kallaugher raises...
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