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Tag: Resale Price Maintenance

Vertical Restraints: A Look Ahead

Paulo da Silveira, Vinicius Marques de Carvalho, Marcos Paulo Verissimo, Jul 28, 2013 Competition authorities worldwide are constantly facing the challenges involved in the design...
Online economy

Online Platforms: Retailers, Genuine Agents or None of the Above?

Jun 20, 2013 CPI Europe Column edited by Anna Tzanaki (Competition Policy International) presents: Online Platforms: Retailers, Genuine Agents or None of the Above? by Matthew...

Private Antitrust Litigation in China The Burden of Proof and Its...

Adrian Emch, Jonathan Liang, Apr 16, 2013 On March 20, 2013, the Guangdong High People's Court issued its verdict in the dispute between two leading...

Developments in Anti-Monopoly Agreement Enforcement and Suggestions Regarding Compliance Programs in...

Jet Zhisong Deng, John Yong Ren, Feb 26, 2013 High profile cases, such as the LCD Panel Case and the Maotai Case announced in January 2013, have...

Joint State and Federal Enforcement of the Antitrust Laws: More Historic...

James Donahue, III, Nov 14, 2012 The concept of a statute to temper or eradicate the market power of trusts and cartels of businesses that...

There Is Always a First Time: Competition Developments in Austria

Astrid Ablasser-Neuhuber, Gerhard Fussenegger, Oct 30, 2012 Within the last couple of months, Austrian competition law has followed new paths. The Austrian Cartel Court, for...

Just What the Doctor Ordered, A Second Opinion for Vertical Price...

Morissa Falk, Jay Himes, Jan 25, 2010 The debate over RPM centers on the fact that vertical price-fixing’s purpose is to increase an item’s price...

A Civil Conflict: Can the States Overturn Leegin?

Leiv Blad, Bryan Killian, Jan 07, 2011 Overturning a 96-year-old rule, the United States Supreme Court held in Leegin that minimum resale price maintenance (“RPM”)...

Twenty Years After: The Future of Competition Enforcement in the European...

Renato Nazzini, Dec 09, 2010 Any prediction on where Union competition law enforcement will be in 20 years time must start by taking stock of...

The New EC Block Exemption for Vertical Restraints: A Step Forward...

Paul Lugard, Theon van Dijk, Jul 07, 2010 Today, more than 10 years after the adoption of Regulation 2790/1999, much has changed. First, while the...
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