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Tag: Reform

Competition Commission of India: Institutional Design and Decision Making

Nisha Kaur Uberoi, Cyril Shroff, Sep 11, 2014 Over the last few decades, an increasing number of countries have taken legislative measures coupled with effective...

Integrating Regulatory and Antitrust Powers: Does It Work? Case Studies from...

Elisa Mariscal, Sep 11, 2014 There are a wide variety of possible structures for regulatory regimes in countries. This article focuses on the analysis of...

Making Markets Work Well: The U.K. Market Investigations Regime

Andrea Coscelli, Antonia Horrocks, Sep 11, 2014 Competition policy is recognized by the U.K. government as a key driver of productivity and growth. The CMA's...

Institutional Design and Decision-Making in the Competition and Markets Authority

Alex Chisholm, David Currie, Tim Jarvis, Sep 11, 2014 In this article, we set out how the reforms to the U.K. competition regime and the...

Spain’s CNMC: The Story So Far

Jun 17, 2014 CPI Europe Column edited by Anna Tzanaki (Competition Policy International) presents: Spain's CNMC: The Story So Far by Andrew Ward (Partner, Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves...

Commissioner Almunia’s State Aid Modernization Project – Taking Stock

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Ulrich Soltész, May 28, 2014 Over the last few years many attempts have been...
South Korea

Developments in Criminal Enforcement of Competition Law in Korea

CPI Asia Column edited by Vanessa Yanhua Zhang (Global Economics Group) presents: Developments in Criminal Enforcement of Competition Law in Korea by Hee-Eun Kim*...

The Great Reformer: Mario Monti’s Legacy in Article 81 and Cartel...

Margaret Bloom, Apr 01, 2005 Commissioner Mario Monti’s achievements in relation to Article 81 of the EC Treaty include three are major reforms: (1) the...

The LIBOR Scandal and Lessons for Antitrust Compliance Programs

David Flower, Nov 28, 2012 In June of 2012, when regulators in the United States and United Kingdom announced settlements totaling USD $451,000,000 with Barclays...

The Changing Health Care Sector: Tough New Challenges for Antitrust Enforcers

Robert Leibenluft, Jul 17, 2012 The past few years have been marked by increased consolidation among health care providers. Hospitals are merging with each other,...
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