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Tag: Public Enforcement

Balancing Public and Private Enforcement: Developments in Argentina, Brazil, and the EU

Balancing Public and Private Enforcement: Developments in Argentina, Brazil, and the...

By David Fila1   The last two decades have seen extraordinary legislative efforts in the European Union (EU) and Latin America to strengthen both public and...

Balancing public and private enforcement – an Australian perspective

By Rebecca Gilsenan and Marcus Bezzi The lack of compensation flowing to the victims of cartel conduct in Australia is a matter of significant concern...

The Antitrust Damages Directive—Too Little, Too Late

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Sebastian Peyer, Jan 21, 2015 The Directive of the European Parliament and of the...

The Antitrust Damages Directive: The Ideal of Just Compensation and the...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Veljko Milutinovic, Jan 21, 2015 The subject of this paper is the recently enacted...

The Binding Nature of NCA Decisions in Antitrust Follow-on Litigation: Is...

Stefano Grassani, Aug 12, 2013 The European Commission believes that-given the procedural asymmetries between plaintiffs and defendants-public enforcement of antitrust law by national competition authorities...

Economics And Private Antitrust Litigation In China

Dennis Lu, Guofu Tan, Jul 28, 2013 Since the introduction of China’s Anti-Monopoly Law in 2008, private litigation has been increasing in the areas of...

Competition Law in Slovakia: An Authority Viewpoint

Zuzana Sabova, Oct 30, 2012 Competition law was introduced in Slovakia in the early 1990s as a part of the market mechanisms aimed at the...

Collective Redress, More Consultations at the European Level But are We...

Ann Marie Galvin, Apr 29, 2011 Towards a Coherent European Approach to Collective Redress is the latest consultation by the European Commission ("Commission") on collective...

Assessing the Quality of Competition Policy: The Case of Horizontal Merger...

William Kovacic, Apr 30, 2009 This article suggests how a jurisdiction might best go about evaluating the quality of its competition policy system. It urges...
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