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Tag: Prosecution

The Criminal Prosecution of Hardcore Cartels in the USA and the EU

The Criminal Prosecution of Hardcore Cartels in the USA and the...

By Raphael Reims1   The criminal prosecution of hardcore cartels, i.e. the fixing of prices, imposition of output restrictions or the allocation of sales territories or...
Digital Legislation

Deferred Prosecution Agreements and Effective Compliance Programs in the Antitrust World:...

 Luis Blanquez & Jon Cieslak (The Antitrust Attorney) Deferred prosecution agreements (“DPAs”) in the antitrust world have been a hot topic on this side of the Atlantic...

The Rise and (Potential) Fall of US Cartel Enforcement

Posted by Social Science Research Network The Rise and (Potential) Fall of US Cartel Enforcement By Vivek Ghosal (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) & D. Daniel Sokol (University of...
Nearly 16 Years of the Leniency Program in Brazil: Breakthroughs and Challenges in Cartel Prosecution

Nearly 16 Years of the Leniency Program in Brazil: Breakthroughs and...

By Amanda Athayde Linhares Martins & Andressa Lin Fidelis -  Since 2003, the prosecution of hardcore cartels has been a top priority in Brazil. The Leniency Program...

Balancing Fairness and Efficiency in the Globalized Competition Law Enforcement: Insights...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Toshiaki Takigawa, Jun 16, 2014 A competition agency's decision, consisting of a remedy and...

Allocating Cartel Fines Among Companies of a Group

Laura Atlee, Yves Botteman, May 12, 2011 We have previously discussed the Akzo Nobel Chemicals case, in which the Court of Justice of the European Union (formerly European...
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