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Towards a Simplified Review Procedure for Mergers in China

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Ninette Dodoo, Feb 11, 2014 In 2013, the Ministry of Commerce published the much-awaited...

Who are the real winners and losers in the General Court?

Jan 24, 2014 CPI Europe Column edited by Anna Tzanaki (Competition Policy International) presents: Who are the real winners and losers in the General Court? by...

How to Enhance the Enforcement of EU Competition Law in the...

Mariana Tavares, Jun 28, 2013 In 2012 a new Portuguese competition act (Law 19/2012) was enacted and entered into force introducing changes both to the...

Same Rules, Double Enforcement: A Comparative Analysis of European Union and...

Francesco Russo, Claudio Tesauro, Jun 28, 2013 Competition law enforcement in the European Union is based on a system of parallel competences in which the...

Pro-Business and Anti-Efficiency: How Conservative Procedural Innovations Have Made Litigation Slower,...

Michael Eisenkraft, J. Douglas Richards, May 14, 2013 As detailed in a recent popular book by Jacob Hacker & Paul Pierson, recent decades have brought...

The Norwegian Government Proposes Amendments to the Competition Act: Welcome Changes...

Eirik Osterud, Harald Selte, Beret Sundet, Apr 29, 2013 On March 15, 2013, the Norwegian Government submitted its Proposition (Prop. 75 L (2012-2013)) for amendments...

You Made a Pledge, Then Keep Your Promise: Article 9 Commitments...

Paul McGeown, Juliette Orologas, Mar 28, 2013 Until the European Commission slapped a U.S. $730 million fine on Microsoft at the beginning of March 2013...

Interim Relief Before the EU Courts: Three Great Fundamentals and Two...

Eric Barbier de La Serre, Mar 19, 2013 Before the EU Courts, nearly all applications for interim relief-including those made in major competition law cases-are...
Digital Economy

Regional Competition Center for Latin America presents Guidelines on quantitative techniques...

Dec 13, 2012 Regional Competition Center for Latin America Presents: Guidelines on quantitative techniques for competition analysis - Prepared by the CRCAL* *David Card,...

The Ebb and Flow of Joint State and Federal Antitrust Enforcement:...

Kevin O'Connor, Dec 12, 2012 For over two decades, the relationship between the state and federal antitrust enforcement authorities has varied from productive cooperative efforts...
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