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Tag: Private Actions


In this issue: This issue, organized by guest editor Mark Katz, is dedicated to developments in Canadian competition law and policy. It is a little...


In this issue: Courts and authorities—both in the United States and Europe—have muddied the waters regarding various class issues. To try to clear things up...

The OFT Discussion Paper – Private Actions In Competition Law: Effective...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Emanuela Lecchi, May 04, 2007 As regulators and competition authorities are never tired to...

Green Light For Indirect Purchaser Claims in Canada

Mark Katz, Chantelle Spagnola, Dec 17, 2013 On October 31, 2013, the Supreme Court of Canada issued a trilogy of decisions holding that indirect purchasers...

The Private Enforcement of the Competition Rules in the European Union...

Sep 04, 2013 CPI Europe Column edited by Anna Tzanaki (Competition Policy International) presents: The Private Enforcement of the Competition Rules in the European Union –...

Competition Litigation in the United Kingdom: What Lies Ahead?

Renato Nazzini, Apr 16, 2013 The process of reform of private actions in the United Kingdom has been a long one. Probably, rightly so. Any...

The eBooks Case: A Canadian Perspective

Mark Katz, Steve Szentesi, Jun 13, 2012 Shortly after the U.S. Department of Justice ("DOJ") filed its claim in the eBooks case earlier this year,...

Class Certification in Innovation Rich Spaces – Do 23(b)(3) Classes Need...

David Reichenberg, Apr 17, 2012 In recent years, the backdrop for antitrust class actions has increasingly been provided by technological innovation. Take the following hypothetical:...

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v. Dukes: Supreme Court Clarifies Commonality Analysis for...

Donald Falk, Marcia Goodman, Archis Parasharami, Aug 16, 2011 Last year we reported on the en banc Ninth Circuit's pathbreakingly broad decision affirming the certification...

Antitrust Class Actions After Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v. Dukes

William Monts III, Aug 15, 2011 Class action lawsuits are a staple of private antitrust litigation in the United States. Over the last four decades,...
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