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Tag: Price Fixing

Introduction of Leniency Programs for Cartel Participants: The Russian Case

Svetlana Avdasheva, Andrey Shastitko, Aug 30, 2011 Collusion of market participants is one of the most dangerous forms of restriction of competition, adversely affecting incentives...

China’s New Conduct Rules Take Effect

Adrian Emch, Feb 28, 2011 Decoding the New Chinese Antitrust Rules Virtually in parallel with the arrival of the Chinese New Year, five new regulations implementing...

Adding Antitrust to NDRC’s Arsenal

Yue Bo, Nathan Bush, Feb 28, 2011 On December 29, 2010, the National Development and Reform Commission ("NDRC") released the Anti-Price Monopoly Regulation and the...

NDRC’s Antitrust Enforcement Decisions

Michael Zhengping Gu, Feb 28, 2011 Unlike the Ministry of Commerce ("MOFCOM"), which is in charge of merger control, the National Development and Reform Commission...

Antitrust in 2025: Cartels, Agency Effectiveness and a Return to Back...

Daniel Sokol, Dec 16, 2010 Predicting the future is difficult. Advances in economics and antitrust law's ability to incorporate such changes have been tremendous in...

Theory of Oligopoly

George Stigler, Nov 05, 2010 No one has the right, and few the ability, to lure economists into reading another article on oligopoly theory without...

Leniency Programs in Latin America: New Tools for Cartel Enforcement

Elisa Mariscal, Carlos Mena-Labarthe, Nov 05, 2010 The fight against cartels has become a central feature for many competition agencies. In Latin America, this fight...

Constant Vigilance: Maintaining Cartel Deterrence During the Great Recession

Margaret Levenstein, Valerie Suslow, Nov 05, 2010 Antitrust authorities around the world have continued to pursue illegal price-fixing throughout the economic crisis, but have also...

Screens for Conspiracies and Their Multiple Applications

Rosa Abrantes-Metz, Patrick Bajari, Nov 05, 2010 A screen is a statistical test designed to detect conspiracies aimed at illegally manipulating a market. Competition authorities,...

Antitrust Sanctions

Douglas Ginsburg, Joshua Wright, Nov 05, 2010 In this article, we first discuss traditional deterrence theory as applied to optimal criminal antitrust penalties. Then we...
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