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Tag: Price Fixing

United States v. Apple and the Contemporary Legitimacy of Antitrust

Chris Sagers, Jun 13, 2012 I think United States v. Apple, the so-called "e-Books case" pending in the Southern District of New York, is an excellent...

The eBooks Case: A Canadian Perspective

Mark Katz, Steve Szentesi, Jun 13, 2012 Shortly after the U.S. Department of Justice ("DOJ") filed its claim in the eBooks case earlier this year,...

Screens in the Gas Retail Market: The Brazilian Experience

Carlos Ragazzo, Mar 13, 2012 Prices in the gas retail market were heavily regulated by the Brazilian government until the late 1990s. At the beginning...

Time-Series Models for Estimating Economic Damages in Antitrust (and Other) Litigation:...

Paul Godek, Dec 13, 2011 Economic damages can arise from a variety of bad acts: a breach of contract, a patent violation, an oil-spill, or...

New Lessons for Pleading the FTAIA

Max Huffman, Nov 16, 2011 In September 2011, in Minn-Chem Inc. v. Agrium Inc., the Seventh Circuit concluded that allegations of price-fixing in foreign commerce,...

Minn-Chem Incorporated et al. v. Agrium Incorporated et al.: A Canadian...

Erika Douglas, Mark Katz, Nov 16, 2011 This article provides a Canadian perspective on the recent decision of the U.S. Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals...

A Good Carrot? U.S. Travel Restrictions in Cartel Enforcement

Patrick Eyers, J. Mark Gidley, Oct 14, 2011 Based on an obscure memorandum, foreign executives accused of price-fixing in the United States face a Hobson's...

The Adoption of Screening Tools by Competition Authorities

ICNKai Huschelrath, Ulrich Laitenberger, Sep 28, 2011 These days, the fight against hard-core cartels is ranked high on the agenda of many competition authorities around...

The Criminalization of Serious Cartel Conduct in Australia

Manish Agarwal, David Round, May 14, 2010 On July 24, 2009, the Trade Practices Amendment (Cartel Conduct and Other Measures) Act 2009 ("Cartels Act") came...

Australia’s Proposed Information Disclosure Legislation: International Worst Practice

Caron Beaton-Wells, Brent Fisse, Aug 30, 2011 Regulating information disclosure and exchange by competitors is widely seen as one of the most challenging aspects of...
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