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EU Competition Policy in 2025: A Vision of an European Internationalist...

Alan Riley, Dec 09, 2010 This is a view of future EU competition policy through looking at the way cases could be decided taking into...

Twenty Years After: The Future of Competition Enforcement in the European...

Renato Nazzini, Dec 09, 2010 Any prediction on where Union competition law enforcement will be in 20 years time must start by taking stock of...

European Antitrust in 2025: A Strangely Familiar Picture

Robert McLeod, Dec 09, 2010 European antitrust in 2025 will be a strangely familiar place even as a revolution of private enforcement changes the way...

EU Competition Law and Policy in 2025:Modernization”Mission Accomplished?

Assimakis Komninos, Dec 09, 2010 Competition law futurology can be risky. But perhaps not so risky, if we are talking about EU competition law and...

Imagining EU antitrust enforcement in 2030

Ken Daly, Dec 10, 2010 On October 20, 1932, in the midst of the Great Depression, the Pittsburgh Press reported on a meeting of American...
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