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Tag: Predatory Pricing

A Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing: Predatory Pricing, Platform Antitrust, and the Risk of False Positives

A Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing: Predatory Pricing, Platform Antitrust, and the...

By Sergei Zaslavsky & Tyler Helms1   The doctrine of predatory pricing has followed the vicissitudes of antitrust enforcement over the decades: from the plaintiff-friendly postwar...
Store Format and Buyer Power in Grocery Retail Competition - Henry C. Su

Store Format and Buyer Power in Grocery Retail Competition

Competition in grocery retail is not only about the pricing, quantity, and variety of goods offered for sale to consumers. Importantly, it also has...
The Paradox of Predatory Pricing

The Paradox of Predatory Pricing

Predatory pricing is an antitrust paradox. In concept, the conduct is plainly anticompetitive, yet no predatory pricing case has resulted in an injunction or...
Predatory Pricing in the Light of Colombian Antitrust Law

Predatory Pricing in the Light of Colombian Antitrust Law

Predatory pricing has been established as an abuse of dominance forms of conducting Colombia. The law describes two different conducts dealing with the same...
Predatory Pricing in India

Predatory Pricing in India

After outlining the relevant clauses of India’s Competition Act and its associated implementing regulation on predatory pricing, this article recounts how the Competition Commission...

Should Venture-Capital Backed Or Foreign-Funded Companies Worry About Predatory-Pricing-Antitrust Claims?

By: Jarod Bona (The Antitrust Attorney) The US Supreme Court said in 1986 that “here is a consensus among commentators that predatory pricing schemes are rarely tried,...

EU: Qualcomm fined €242M for engaging in predatory pricing

According to the Wall Street Journal, the European Commission fined Qualcomm €242 million on Thursday, July 18, for abusing its market dominance in 3G...

From Microsoft to Google: eyes wide shut on predatory innovation?

CPI Europe Column edited by Anna Tzanaki (Competition Policy International) & Juan Delgado (Global Economics Group) presents: From Microsoft to Google: eyes wide shut on predatory innovation? By Dr. Thibault...

Section 2 and the Rule of Reason: Report from the...

By Mark S. Popofsky & Ariel A. Martinez Courts remain, in the words of one observer, mired in an “exclusionary conduct ‘definition’ war.” Applying Section...

Weyerhaeuser Co. v. Ross-Simmons Hardwood Lumber Co.: Extending The Rule of...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle David Olsky, Feb 22, 2007 The general legal standard for determining whether unilateral conduct...
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