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Tag: Predation

Predation as a Leveraging Abuse – Filling the Gap Between Economic Theory and Antitrust Enforcement?

Predation as a Leveraging Abuse – Filling the Gap Between Economic...

The conventional view of predation is that of a “one-market abuse,” where profit sacrifice and recoupment necessarily take place on the same market. We...
The Chicago School and the Irrelevance of Predation

The Chicago School and the Irrelevance of Predation

Everybody knows that Chicago scholars dismissed predatory pricing as a practice of concern for antitrust law due to its alleged unprofitability, both relative and...
The Paradox of Predatory Pricing

The Paradox of Predatory Pricing

Predatory pricing is an antitrust paradox. In concept, the conduct is plainly anticompetitive, yet no predatory pricing case has resulted in an injunction or...
Predation by the Dominant Buyer

Predation by the Dominant Buyer

Just as a monopolist may eliminate its rivals through predatory pricing, a monopsonist may eliminate rivals through predatory buying. This, in fact, is what...

Comments on Evans & Schmalensee´s The Industrial Organization of Markets with...

Janusz Ordover, Apr 19, 2007 A freshman student in economics or a Nobel prize-winning macroeconomist who has lately stumbled across a journal or two in...

The Analysis of Tying Cases: A Primer

Jean Tirole, Apr 01, 2005 This primer analyzes factors that make ties more likely either to hurt or to benefit consumers. It first identifies factors...

Getting Exclusion Cases Right: Intel and Beyond

Timothy Brennan, Dec 13, 2011 The continuing fire over how to assess the competitive effects of single-firm conduct received yet more gasoline in the wake...

Predation, Exclusion, and Complement Market Monopolization

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Timothy Brennan, Jul 13, 2009 The handling of cases under the rubrics "monopolization,"single-firm conduct,"...

Predatory Pricing in Two-Sided Markets: A Brief Comment

Amelia Fletcher, Apr 19, 2007 Over the past few years, there has been a burgeoning literature on two-sided markets and economic understanding of such markets...

Classic Papers on Predatory Pricing

Keith Hylton, Sep 01, 2005 Perhaps no area of antitrust law provokes as much controversy as predatory pricing, the theory that a firm violates the...
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