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Competition Policy In Digital Markets: The House Report

Competition — And Competition Policy — In Digital Markets: The House...

The House Antitrust Subcommittee Report makes clear the weakness not just of competition in the tech sector, but also of competition policy toward the...
Concentration is Not Producing Higher Profits or Markups

Concentration is Not Producing Higher Profits or Markups

By Joe Kennedy (ITIF)*   Introduction The United States is in the middle of a renewed debate on antitrust policy. Although most antitrust experts favor keeping some...
Shifting the Burden in Acquisitions of Nascent and Potential Competitors: Not so Simple

Shifting the Burden in Acquisitions of Nascent and Potential Competitors: Not...

By Jay Ezrielev (Elevecon)*   I. Introduction There is a heated debate in antitrust today about what lawmakers, courts, and enforcers should do about mergers between potential...
Restoring Balance to Digital Competition – Sensible Rules, Effective Enforcement

Restoring Balance to Digital Competition – Sensible Rules, Effective Enforcement

By Philip Marsden & Rupprecht Podszun1   The EU Commission is stepping up efforts to come up with new regulations for digital gatekeepers. Executive Vice President...
Antitrust Chronicle - We Need Rules to Rein in Big Tech

We Need Rules to Rein in Big Tech

What should the US do about Big Tech? This essay proposes ...
Wolf in the woods

Shall We Play in the Forest (While the Wolf is not...

By Pablo Trevisán (Estudio Trevisan)1   I. Introduction Airports closed and turned into airplane graveyards overnight; travel restrictions; massive cancellation of flights; sporting events and shows were...

The Huawei Question: Managing the Competitive Consequences

By Kalyan Dasgupta, Leonard Waverman & Mark Williams1   Introduction The U.S. government’s recent tightening of sanctions around Huawei may effectively take decisions on Huawei’s participation...

Is Blockchain the Real Antitrust Game Changer?

By Giovanna Massarotto (UCL Centre for Blockchain Technology)1   I. Introduction Governments must anticipate today’s cutting-edge technologies to be effective in fast-moving markets. Blockchain potentially is...
Sustainability as a Quality Dimension of Competition: Protecting Our Future (Selves)

Sustainability as a Quality Dimension of Competition: Protecting Our Future (Selves)

It is considered by many that sustainability considerations should not be taken into account by competition authorities when analyzing the effects of a conduct...
Climate Change Is an Existential Threat: Competition Law Must Be Part of the Solution and Not Part of the Problem

Climate Change Is an Existential Threat: Competition Law Must Be Part...

Climate Change is an existential threat. Competition law must be part of the solution and not part of the problem. This paper draws on...
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