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Who are the real winners and losers in the General Court?

Jan 24, 2014 CPI Europe Column edited by Anna Tzanaki (Competition Policy International) presents: Who are the real winners and losers in the General Court? by...

Antitrust and the Political Center

Alfonso Lamadrid, Dec 30, 2013 Economic policies have traditionally been characterized or labeled pursuant to the simplistic, and hence popular, summa divisio between right and left. Discussions...

Some Recent Developments in ASEAN Competition Law

R. Ian McEwin, Dec 30, 2013 All countries in Southeast Asia are hierarchical and authoritarian to some degree, which has implications for competition. All countries...

Antitrust and the Political Center

Alfonso Lamadrid, Jan 29, 2013 Economic policies have traditionally been characterized or labeled pursuant to the simplistic, and hence popular, summa divisio between right and...

Section 5 of the FTC Act and the Need for Guidelines

Daniel Crane, Sep 16, 2013 FTC Commissioners Wright and Olhausen recently have argued that the FTC should issue a policy statement or guidelines regarding enforcement...

A Solution in Search of a Problem

A. Douglas Melamed, Sep 16, 2013 The fundamental problem with the "unfair methods of competition" prong of Section 5 is that it is hopelessly vague....

Section 5 Guidelines: Fixing a Problem that Doesn’t Exist?

Sharis Pozen, Anne Six, Sep 16, 2013 When Congress enacted the Federal Trade Commission Act in 1914, almost 25 years after enacting the Sherman Act,...

Section 5 Guidelines: Josh Wright as the New King of Corinth?

Joe Sims, Sep 16, 2013 Thus, it was hardly surprising that one of the first things Commissioner Wright did in his new role was to...
japan law image

Competition Policy in Japan: Sizing Up the Takeshima Era

Aug 20, 2013 CPI Asia Column edited by Vanessa Yanhua Zhang (Global Economics Group) presents: Competition Policy in Japan: Sizing Up the Takeshima era - Akira...
Newspaper and coffee

The ICN’s Agenda: What to Look For in 2013-2014

Paul O'Brien, May 29, 2013 CPI ICN Column edited by Maria Coppola (U.S. Federal Trade Commission) Last month, the International Competition Network held its twelfth annual...
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