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Tag: per se

An Empirical & Theoretical Comparison of Alternative Predation Rules

Per Se Rule: “I’m Still Standing (Yeah yeah yeah!)”

By: Robert Connolly (Cartel Capers) It has become common for defendants indicted on criminal antitrust charges to argue that the use of the per se...

The Antitrusting of Patentability

Posted by Social Science Research Network The Antitrusting of Patentability By Saurabh Vishnubhakat (Texas A&M University School of Law) Abstract:     Deciding a patent’s validity is costly,...

Section 2 and the Rule of Reason: Report from the...

By Mark S. Popofsky & Ariel A. Martinez Courts remain, in the words of one observer, mired in an “exclusionary conduct ‘definition’ war.” Applying Section...

Treatment of Resale Price Maintenance in Hong Kong

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Ping Lin, Sep 30, 2015 Three years after its enactment, the Competition Ordinance of...

Judicial Evaluations of Minimum Resale Price Maintenance Behavior (2)

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Ding Wenlian, Dec 31, 2014 On the judicial cognizance of vertical agreements stipulated in...

The Effectiveness of Competition Authorities: Four Questions

Roderick Meiklejohn, Sep 11, 2014 When comparing national competition authorities, four questions arise: How great is the risk that the government's powers of appointment could...

Judicial Evaluations of Minimum Resale Price Maintenance Behavior

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Ding Wenlian, Aug 22, 2014 On the judicial cognizance of vertical agreements stipulated in...

Perspectives on the In-House Practice of Antitrust Law

Roy Hoffinger, Dec 30, 2013 After 30 years practicing antitrust law, 18 as in-house counsel, I think I can say that I have a fairly...

RPM in the European Union: Any Developments Since Leegin?

CFilippo Amato, Nov 14, 2013 Suspicions regarding the use of resale price maintenance in vertical agreements, i.e., agreements between a supplier and its distributors, have...

Resale Price Maintenance The Blurred Lines

Ozlem Fidanboylu, Christian Riis-Madsen, Nov 14, 2013 The 2007 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Leegin set in motion a landslide by overturning a 96-year old precedent....
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