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Tag: Penalty

Google Pays Full Indian Penalty For Abusing Dominant Position

Google has settled the penalty amount of $160M imposed by the Competition Commission of India (CCI) for anti-competitive practices in the Android ecosystem. Google paid...

India Increases Penalty Limits For Competition Regulator

Recent amendments to India's antitrust laws grant the regulator greater authority to levy larger fines and mandate companies to pay a portion of the...
India’s Fair Market Regulator Needs to Define What is the Market Sin it has Penalized Amazon For

India’s Fair Market Regulator Needs to Define What is the Market...

By Subhomoy Bhattacharjee1   When France and Germany went to war in 1870, a London newspaper pithily remarked “The Liberal Empire goes to war on a...

New Zealand: Company to be prosecuted for real estate bid rigging

According to a report in the South China Morning Post, A company owned by New Zealand property tycoon Ron Hoy Fong is facing prosecution...

Microsoft Fined for Non-Compliance: A Game-Changer in Antitrust Settlements

Mar 21, 2013 CPI Europe Column edited by Anna Tzanaki (Competition Policy International) presents: Microsoft Fined for Non-Compliance: A Game-Changer in Antitrust Settlements by Mario...
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