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Tag: Penalties

Constant Vigilance: Maintaining Cartel Deterrence During the Great Recession

Margaret Levenstein, Valerie Suslow, Nov 05, 2010 Antitrust authorities around the world have continued to pursue illegal price-fixing throughout the economic crisis, but have also...

Recidivism Revealed: Private International Cartels 1990-2009

John M. Connor, Nov 05, 2010 The objective of this paper is to look for empirical regularities in the sample of 389 recidivists that engaged...

Improving Deterrence of Hard-Core Cartels

Mariana Tavares de Araujo, Nov 05, 2010 The purpose of this paper is to discuss Ginsburg's & Wright's proposal to enhance deterrence of hard-core cartels...

Comment on Antitrust Sanctions

Nov 05, 2010 In their thoughtful article, Douglas Ginsburg and Joshua Wright make five key points towards enhancing cartel deterrence through increased penalties: Collusion is...

Antitrust Sanctions

Douglas Ginsburg, Joshua Wright, Nov 05, 2010 In this article, we first discuss traditional deterrence theory as applied to optimal criminal antitrust penalties. Then we...

EU Competition Law in 2010: Change or Continuity

Eric Morgan de Rivery, Feb 16, 2010 It has become customary, at the beginning of each year, to take a look at the previous year,...

Cartels, Fines, and Due Process

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Philip Lowe, Jun 30, 2009 The level of fines imposed by the Commission with...

Appealing Fines in the Competition Appeal Tribunal: An Uphill Struggle?

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Ronit Kreisberger, Jun 30, 2009 The Competition Appeal Tribunal ("the CAT") gave judgment in...

Headline-Grabbing Intel Fine Hides Article 82 EC Enforcement Concerns

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Hazel Pearson, Jun 30, 2009 The recent decision by the European Commission to impose...

Recent Developments in EU Anti-Cartel Enforcement

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Kirtikumar Mehta, Sep 30, 2008 Anti-cartel enforcement has been a major priority for some...
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