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Tag: Penalties

Indian Merger Control – One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Identifying the Bottom Line: What Guides the Imposition of Antitrust Penalties...

By Anisha Chand & Alisha Mehra1   With the ebbing of the pandemic’s second wave, the Indian competition authority (Competition Commission of India (“CCI”)) is back...
us eu

Coercive mediation – why it is a way of life for...

March 2019 CPI Europe Column edited by Anna Tzanaki (Competition Policy International) & Juan Delgado (Global Economics Group) presents: Coercive mediation - why it is a way of life for...

Corporate Financial Penalties for Cartel Conduct in Australia: A Critique

Posted by Social Science Research Network Corporate Financial Penalties for Cartel Conduct in Australia: A Critique By Caron Beaton-Wells & Julie N. Clarke (Melbourne Law School) Moves...

A Proposal for a Structural Remedy for Illegal Collusion

Posted by Social Science Research Network A Proposal for a Structural Remedy for Illegal Collusion By Joseph E. Harrington Jr (University of Pennsylvania) Abstract:      It...

Cartel Participation and Voluntary Disclosure

Posted by Social Science Research Network Cartel Participation and Voluntary Disclosure By Ashiq Ali, Ningzhong Li, Xiaolu Zhou (University of Texas at Dallas) & Ailin Dong...


In this issue: Addressing Large Cartel Fines Ronit Kreisberger, Jun 30, 2009 Appealing Fines in the Competition Appeal Tribunal: An Uphill Struggle? his article focuses on...

The 2006 Fining Guidelines: Two Steps Forward But One Step Back?

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle James Killick, Nov 02, 2006 On June 28, 2006, the European Commission announced that...

EU Cartel Fining Laws and Policies in Urgent Need of Reform

Karl Hofstetter, Nov 25, 2009 The criticisms against the cartel fining policies of the European Commission are mounting. Feeling the heat, the Commission is finally...

Sanctions for Cartel Conduct in Hong Kong: Past and Present

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Sandra Marco Colino, Sep 30, 2015 Before the end of 2015, Hong Kong’s first...

To Settle or Not To Settle After Timab

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Marc Abenhaim, Kristina Nordlander, Stephen Spinks, Sep 16, 2015 On May 20, 2015, the...
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