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In this issue: Treatment of Single-Product and Bundled Rebates in the EC Laurent Geelhand, Johanne Peyre, Jun 10, 2008 Michelin welcomes the European Commission's will to correct...

Sep-07(1) & (2)

In this issue: The Court of First Instance's Decision in Microsoft Sep 14, 2007 Background on: Microsoft v. Commission of the European Communities Background, case history...

Drawing a Line between Bundling and Contractual Exclusion under the Sherman...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle M. Laurence Popofsky, Jun 10, 2008 Bundling has become antitrust law's "hot button." Push...

Bundled Discounts as Competition for Distribution

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Benjamin Klein, Jun 10, 2008 The antitrust law of bundled discounts is unsettled. LePage's...

Cascade Health Solutions v. PeaceHealth: Ninth Circuit Adopts a New Position...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Daniel Crane, Sep 19, 2007 On September 4, 2007, the Ninth Circuit issued its...

Bundled Discounts and Cascade Health Solutions v. PeaceHealth

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Daniel Crane, May 03, 2007 On March 20, 2007, a panel of the Ninth...
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