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Tag: payment cards

Steering Payment Cards Enforcement Advocacy

Steering in Payment Cards: Between Competition Enforcement and Competition Advocacy

By Andres Calderon1   For academics and practitioners of Competition Law, whenever one reads “Steering in payment cards,” Ohio v. American Express immediately comes to mind....
Card Payment

Are Payment Card Systems’ Multilateral Interchange Fees Anticompetitive by Object under...

By Csongor István Nagy (University of Szeged)1   I. Background Hungarian banks fixed the interchange fee to be used in the two major payment card systems (MasterCard...

Platform Antitrust

Posted by Social Science Research Network Platform Antitrust By Erik Hovenkamp Platforms like Uber, Google Search, and Hulu pervade the modern economic landscape. A platform caters to...

Brazil: CADE settles payment system case

As of July 31, customers with Elo cards will be able to complete transactions on other companies' machines. CADE signed agreements with payment system Cielo...
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