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South Africa To Hold Hearings On Pay-TV Competition Next Week

Broadcasting and telecoms regulator the Independent Communications Authority of SA (Icasa) announced that it will hold hearings next week as part of its investigation...

Beneficence is Beside the Point: The Antitrust Realities of the Comcast/Time...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Geoffrey Manne, Apr 14, 2014 Critics of Comcast have long discussed the cable company...

The Beneficent Monopolist

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Allen Grunes, Maurice Stucke, Apr 14, 2014 The predictions that this merger will experience...

The Comcast-TWC Merger: Limit the Government’ s Options

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Jarod Bona, Apr 14, 2014 The antitrust world is abuzz as the Antitrust Division...

Analysis of Changes in Bargaining Power in DOJ/FCC Review of Comcast/Time...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Jamillia Padua Ferris, Amanda Wait, Apr 14, 2014 On February 13, 2014, Comcast announced...
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