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Appropriating the Returns from Industrial Research and Development (1950)(reprint)

Dec 20, 2013 To have the incentive to undertake research and development, a firm must be able to appropriate returns sufficient to make the investment...

An Introduction to Appropriating the Returns from Industrial Research and Development

David Evans, Dec 20, 2013 There are several areas of economics where we know much more today than we did 50 years ago as a...


Fiona Scott Morton, Dec 20, 2013 This article lays out the economics of competition between branded and generic pharmaceuticals and its welfare consequences. I explain...

“Pay-for-Delay”: What Do We Disagree On?

Pierre Regibeau, Dec 20, 2013 Antitrust concerns about “pay-for-delay” patent settlements are based on two theories of harms, one that stresses the need for courts...

Whither Symmetry? Antitrust Analysis of Intellectual Property Rights at the FTC...

Douglas Ginsburg, Joshua Wright, Dec 20, 2013 In modern antitrust law, intellectual property rights (IPRs) are treated like all other forms of property. Beginning with...

Intellectual Property Experimentalism By Way Of Competition Law

Tim Wu, Dec 20, 2013 Competition law and Intellectual Property have divergent intellectual cultures–the former more pragmatic and experimentalist; the latter influenced by natural law...

Competition Authorities Support Grasshoppers: Competition Law as a Threat to Innovation

Sir Robin Jacob, Dec 20, 2013 Aesop’s fable is of the ant and the grasshopper. In summer the ant works, gathering and storing food against...

Letter from the Editor – Fall 2013

The CPI Autumn 2013 issue features contributions from some of the participants to two roundtables on the intersection between intellectual property and antitrust that...

Turning the Page: The Next Chapter of Disputes Involving Standard-Essential Patents

Jay Jurata, David Smith, Oct 15, 2013 A technology company is on the verge of introducing a cutting-edge device that builds on a widely adopted...

The Emperor’s Clothes Laid Bare: Commitments Creating the Appearance of Law,...

Oct 15, 2013 This article examines how the Article 9 commitments procedure under EC Regulation 1/2003 is increasingly being used to create policy under the...
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