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Tag: Patent Licensing


FRAND Royalty Base: Will Chinese Courts More Likely Accept the Component...

By Yan Wang, Da Shi, Yue Li, Shasha Zhou*   I. Introduction On June 17, 2022, Huawei announced it had entered into a patent licensing...
Antitrust Chronicle FTC v. Qualcomm: The Sky Is NOT Falling

FTC v. Qualcomm: The Sky Is NOT Falling

Judges can be too demanding of plaintiffs and thereby stymie meritorious cases, but that is not what happened in FTC v. Qualcomm. The FTC...

Refusals to License Patents under Australia’s “New” Unilateral Conduct Prohibition

By Arlen Duke & Rhonda L. Smith (University of Melbourne)*   Both intellectual property (“IP”) and competition policies aim to provide an incentive for creation/innovation. However,...
Intellectual Property

Comparable Agreements and the “Top-Down” Approach to FRAND Royalties Determination

By Haris Tsilikas, LLM (Max Planck Institute)1   I. Introduction The development of innovative standards hinges on a vibrant ecosystem of standardization inducing private investment by allowing...
DOJ Flag image

US: Senators ask DOJ to develop antitrust guidance for patent licensing

US Senators Thom Tillis (Republican - North Carolina) and Christopher A. Coons (Democrat - Deloware) sent a letter to the US Department of Justice...

Patent Pool Outsiders

Posted by Social Science Research Network Patent Pool Outsiders By Michael Mattioli (Indiana University) Abstract:      Individuals who decline to join cooperative groups—outsiders—raise concerns in many...

Legal Remedies For Patent Infringement: From General Principles To FRAND Obligations...

Richard Epstein, David J. Kappos, Dec 20, 2013 At present, the traditional informal mechanisms for setting FRAND rates for SEPs have come under extensive attack...

Whither Symmetry? Antitrust Analysis of Intellectual Property Rights at the FTC...

Douglas Ginsburg, Joshua Wright, Dec 20, 2013 In modern antitrust law, intellectual property rights (IPRs) are treated like all other forms of property. Beginning with...

Patents in Motion: The Troubling Implications of the N-Data Settlement

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Anne Layne-Farrar, Mar 26, 2009 A little over a year ago, in January 2008,...
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