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Selected Issues Raised by Recent Cartel Fines Decisions

Nov 27, 2013 CPI Europe Column edited by Anna Tzanaki (Competition Policy International) presents: Selected Issues Raised by Recent Cartel Fines Decisions by Antoine Winckler and...

Joint Venture Subsidiary What’s the Difference for Cartel Liability and Fines?

Laura Atlee, Apr 17, 2012 Parent liability in cartel infringement proceedings has been the focus of quite a number of our commentaries. Starting with the Akzo...

Joint Venture… Subsidiary… What’s the Difference for Cartel Liability and Fines?

Laura Atlee, Apr 17, 2012 Parent liability in cartel infringement proceedings has been the focus of quite a number of our commentaries. Starting with the Akzo ruling, the EU...
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